Researching Youth – Methods Seminar Series

Does your research involve working with young people? Are you interested in youth-led, creative or culturally-responsive methodologies? The British Educational Research Association (BERA) special interest group for Youth Studies & Informal Education, is working in collaboration with the British Sociological Association (BSA)’s Youth Study Group and the Political Studies Association (PSA)’s Young People’s Politics Specialist […]

Listening & Talking to Young People Who Use Drugs

Lets listen to young people when they talk about drugs, whilst exploring creative ways in which to incorporate their voices into drug debates, and in drug policy-making and future drug policy development

The Sociology Show

So the pandemic brought lots of online activity around my research. This included a fab chat about undertaking illicit drug research through a Sociological lens, with the fantastic Matthew Wilkin of The Sociology Show. Enjoy! The Sociology Show with Dr Karenza Moore

Long time no post

This is my first post in two years, and a positive one it is too. Today sees the launch of my co-authored report commissioned by The Beckley Foundation, and written with Hattie Wells and Amanda Feilding. Roadmaps to Regulation: MDMA is an innovative report mapping how a strictly regulated legal market for MDMA products would […]

Podcast Heaven with Social Science Bites: Discussing Dance Culture

As many of you will know (cue groan!), I am a huge fan of all things BBC Radio Four, particularly The Archers Omnibus which brightens up my world every Sunday! Given my appreciation of the power of listening, I was honoured to be asked by the great David Edmonds of Philosophy Bites fame to discuss ‘dance culture’ […]

News: Europe Launches UK Web Survey on Drugs

The UK’s relationship with our European neighbours is the topic of increasingly heated debate as Thursday 23rd of June looms. The UK “referendum on Europe” is at times even usurping our enduring preoccupation with the weather. Whatever the outcome, I am sure we as drug researchers, practitioners and concerned others will continue to find ways to work collaboratively around shared concerns which […]