Moore, K., Hanckel, B., Nunn, C. and Atherton, S. (2021) Making Sense of Intersecting Crises: Promises, Challenges, and Possibilities of Intersectional Perspectives in Youth Research. Journal of Applied Youth Studies, 4, 423–428.

Woodrow, N., and Moore, K. (2021). The liminal leisure of disadvantaged young people in the UK before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Applied Youth Studies, 4(5), 475-491.

Garwood-Cross LJ, Hakim J, Hinds RS, Katz RA, Light BA, Mercer J, Moore K,  and Upton M. (2021), COVID Sex Lives: Survey 1 Report. Salford: University of Salford.

Aldridge, J., Garius, L., Spicer, J., Harris, M., Moore, K. and Eastwood, N. (2021), Drugs in the Time of COVID: The UK Drug Market Response to Lockdown Restrictions, London: Release.

Moore, K. and Bancroft, A. (Spring 2021), Guest Editorial, Drugs, Technologies and Cyber Markets: Special Issue of Drugs and Alcohol Today, 21(2): 97-101.

Moore, K., Wells H. (2019), The Regulation of MDMA/Ecstasy, Oxford: Beckley Foundation.

Moore, K. and Matias J. (2018), Targeted Population Surveys on Drug Use in Recreational Settings Across Europe, in G. Potter, D. Korf and J. Fountain (eds.) Spaces and Places in European Drug Research, Lengerich: European Society for Social Drug Research.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), Technical Report (2018 in press) Monitoring Drug Use in Recreational Settings Across Europe: Conceptual challenges and methodological innovations, Lisbon: EMCDDA.  

Rashid, A., Moore, K., May-Chahal, and Chitchyan, C. (2015), Managing Emergent Ethical Concerns for Software Engineering in Society, Software Engineering (ICSE) 2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference, IEEE, 2: 523-526.

Moore, K. and Measham, F. (2013) Exploring Emerging Perspectives on Gender and Drug Use, Emerging Perspectives on Substance Misuse, Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.

Moore, K. et al (2013), Do novel psychoactive substances (NPS) displace established street drugs, supplement them or act as drugs of initiation? The relationship between mephedrone, ecstasy and cocaine, European Addiction Research, 19(5): 276-282.

Moore, K. and Measham, F. (2012), GBL: The Forgotten Legal High, Contemporary Drug Problems, Special Issue: Problematising Drugs, 39(3): 565-590.

Moore, K. and Measham, F. (2012), Impermissible Pleasures in UK Leisure: Exploring policy developments in alcohol and illicit drugs, in C. Jones, E. Barclay and R. Mawby (eds.) The Problem of Pleasure: Leisure, Tourism and Crime, Abingdon: Routledge, pp.62-76.

Measham, F., Moore, K., Wood, D. and Dargan, P. (2011), The Rise in Legal Highs: Prevalence and patterns in the use of illegal drugs and first and second generation ‘legal highs’ on South London gay dance clubs, Journal of Substance Use, 16(4), pp.263-272.

Measham, F., Moore, K. and Østergaard, J. (2011), Mephedrone, “Bubble” and unidentified white powders: the contested identities of synthetic “legal highs”, Drugs and Alcohol Today, 11(3), pp.137-146.

Measham, F. and Moore, K. (2011), Alcohol and Drug Use at an English Festival: Phase One Report, Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs (ISCD)/Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.

Measham, F., Moore, K. and Østergaard, J. (2011), Emerging Drug Trends in Lancashire: Night Time Economy Surveys – Phase One Report, Lancashire Drug and Alcohol Action Team (LDAAT)/Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.

Measham, F., Moore, K., Newcombe, R. and Welch, Z. (2010), Tweaking, Bombing, Dabbing and Stockpiling: The emergence of mephedrone and the perversity of prohibition, Drugs and Alcohol Today, 10(1), pp.14-21 (Winner of EMCDDA Scientific Journal Article of the Year 2011).

Measham, F. and Moore, K. (2009), Repertoires of Distinction: Exploring Patterns of Weekend Polydrug Use within Local Leisure Scenes across the English Night Time Economy, Criminology and Criminal Justice, 9(4), pp. 437-464.

Smith, Z., Measham, F. and Moore, K. (2009), MDMA Powder, Pills and Crystal: The persistence of ecstasy and the poverty of policy, Drugs and Alcohol Today, 9(1), pp.13-19.

Moore, K. and Measham, F. (2008), “It’s the most fun you can have for twenty quid”: Meanings, Motivations, and Consequences of British Ketamine Use, Addiction Research and Theory,Special Issue: Social and Cultural Aspects of Ketamine Use, 16(3), pp.231-244.

Moore, K., Griffiths, M., Richardson, H. and Adam, A. (2008), Gendered Futures? Women, the ICT Workplace, and Stories of the Future, Gender, Work and Organisation, 1(5), pp.523-542.

Measham, F. and Moore, K. (2008), The Criminalisation of Intoxication, in P. Squires (ed.) ASBO Nation: The Criminalisation of Nuisance, Bristol: Policy Press, pp.273-288.

Measham, F. and Moore, K. (2006), Reluctant Reflexivity, Implicit Insider Knowledge, and the Development of Club Studies, in B. Sanders, (ed.) Drugs, Clubs and Young People: Sociological and Public Health Perspectives, Aldershot: Ashgate.

Moore, K. and Measham, F. (2006), Ketamine Use: Minimising Harm and Maximising Pleasure, Drugs and Alcohol Today, 6(3), pp.29-32.