The broad aims of my research are as follows:

Research to date

To date I have explored what it means to be a ‘committed clubber’ (Moore 2004), the role of ‘insider knowledge’ in the development of Club Studies (Measham and Moore 2006), ketamine use amongst British young people (Moore and Measham 2008), ‘official’ responses to rave and dance club cultures and related drug use (Measham and Moore 2008), ‘impermissible pleasures’ in UK leisure spaces (Moore and Measham 2011); the (re)emergence of MDMA powder and crystal as a ‘premium product’ in the face of falling purity of ecstasy tablets (Measham, Moore and Welch 2009) and displacement and demand in relation to substituted cathinones (such as mephedrone) (Measham, Moore, Welch and Newcombe 2010).

I received funding from the British Academy for a two year project looking at GHB and GBL use focused on the use of these and other drugs amongst gay male clubbers (Moore et al 2013).

I have an enduring interest in digital technologies and social media such as mobile devices and Facebook in terms of how they are used and experienced by ‘committed clubbers’ (Moore 2004, 2006).

I also have an enduring interest in gender notably in digital industries (Moore et al 2008) and in relation to drug use (Moore and Measham 2013).

I have developed the concept of ‘digital affect’ to try to capture the relationship between clubbers’ identity formation, emotional commitment to clubbing, and use of digital media technologies (Moore 2010, 2011, Moore and Bancroft 2021).

I have written about how best to undertake in situ and online surveys with drug users in recreational settings (Moore and Matias 2018, 2018a). I have co-authored the world’s first report or ‘roadmap’ on the legal regulation of MDMA/Ecstasy, supported by the Beckley Foundation (Moore et al 2019).

I have co-supervised 11 PhD candidates to completion. I have worked at four fantastic HE institutions, including the University of Manchester, Lancaster University, the University of Salford, and (from July 2021), Newcastle University. 

Please visit my Google Scholar page for details of publications and projects

Please contact Karenza if you would like further information on any past or present projects.