Does your research involve working with young people? Are you interested in youth-led, creative or culturally-responsive methodologies?

The British Educational Research Association (BERA) special interest group for Youth Studies & Informal Education, is working in collaboration with the British Sociological Association (BSA)’s Youth Study Group and the Political Studies Association (PSA)’s Young People’s Politics Specialist Group to bring you a series of online methods seminars for Summer 2022.

Supporting cross-disciplinary dialogue in Youth Studies, these seminars will incorporate methods from Education, Sociology and Politics research with young people. Seminar topics include Talking and Listening approaches with young people, Creative Methods, Co-Production, Co-Design and Co-Authorship, Placemaking, exploring spaces and places with young people, Ethnography and Focus Groups. Whilst these seminars focus predominantly on qualitative methods, they will explore the application of several of these methods online.

There will also be a specialist seminar for PGRs and ECRs on adaptability, resilience, and career transitions. These seminars will follow an informal format, where following two or three short presentations, there will be space for event attendees to share questions, ideas and their own approaches.

These events are free for BERA, BSA or PSA members and £10 for non-members.

For more details, please visit: